Make the Most from your Keywords
Blog, Client TipsIn last week's blog I explained how to build your keyword list - i.e. the words and phrases that Google will use to rank your website. We reviewed the process of determining which keywords to choose based on the Google Keyword Tool, which tells us how many people have searched for those phrases. Missed last week's blog? - no problem - click here to read it. So you followed the instructions from last week's blog and you have your list of keywords - now let's look at how to use them to maximum effect on your website and elsewhere.

e-Commerce Pitfalls and Solutions
Blog, Client TipsAre you running an online store, accepting payments for products (or services) on display? There couldn’t be a better time to give it a go – low overheads, no staff required and the online store is open 24/7. This is a perfect business model requiring the minimum of work – pick the right product and the rest is practically automatic – right? Of course, the reality is somewhat different to the model. Yes, there are the massive opportunities in selling online, but neglecting some basic business principles will cause your store to fail every time.

Put your Phone Number on your Website
Blog, Client TipsThis week I had the great pleasure of taking some time off to attend a friend's wedding in Donegal. It gave me and the family a chance to enjoy the fantastic weather AND a great chance to use my mobile to search for local things to do. Here is a summary of some of the good and the bad practices I came across with best practice tips.

Become a Movie Star to Promote your Business
Blog, Client TipsOkay, it's a bit of a dramatic title but at least I've got your attention, right? This article sets out to (1) convince you to publish a short corporate video and (2) provides some simple (cost-free) ways of going about it.
So who doesn't…

Is your Website Mobile Friendly?
Blog, Client TipsDid you know that by this time next year more people will be surfing the Internet via their mobile phone than via their desktop computer. That's why your website has to be mobile ready. This article reviews what that means and how to make sure you are ready.
Browsing the Internet on our mobile phones has become the norm, well at least for a growing number of us. And it's not just surfing web pages - people will use online applications and even game online. Did you know: -
Some 60% of NI and 51% of RoI consumers own a smartphone (Mintel’s Irish Lifestyles – Ireland, June 2012 report)
35% of NI consumers access the internet from a mobile phone. Three quarters of NI consumers are shopping through such devices (Ofcom’s Communications Market Report: Northern Ireland 2012)
10% of RoI consumers had made a payment through a mobile device during 2012 (KPMG’s Consumers and Convergence Ireland 2012 report)