Invest in Your email
Blog, Client TipsEveryone understands email, right? Email is simple to set up, to manage and of course we use it every day. For a business, email is not just handy; it's fundamental.
The fact of the matter however is that business email is different from personal email and can be quite difficult to set up and manage. And that of course is a potential problem because without email, many of us couldn't run our businesses effectively.
So what makes business email different from personal email and what are the challenges? The answer to that lies in your domain name (website address). It is widely recognised that your business email address should include your domain name. My email address is stuartm@table59.co.uk for example. Personal email addresses like a Hotmail address can seem less professional.

The Keyword Challenge
Blog, Client TipsDo you think that it is important to market your business online? I suppose the real question is, “do you believe that you don’t need to?”. If you are in the latter category then you can be convinced otherwise by asking if your clients search for products and services using the Internet. Of course they do, which is why you need to read this article.
Marketing online means Google. Sure there are many other Search Engines out there, but most people use Google, so let’s focus on that.
Of course acceptance that Google may be a source of new business is one thing; actually making that happen is another. This article explains the basic steps to understanding how Google can be made to work for your business.

Build it and they Won’t Come
Blog, Client TipsSo here's a question for you. Where have you spent the most time and money - on building your website or on promoting it? I'll take a wild guess here and say that you spent the lion's share on the former. Give me 2 minutes of your time and I'll try to convince you that it should be the other way about...

Paid Online Advertising – Friend or Foe?
Blog, Client TipsWhat if I told you I could guarantee visitors to your website? And not just ordinary visitors either; these visitors are genuinely interested in what you have to sell.
Well, Google Adwords can deliver on that guarantee and become the most…